Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Ngiyakuthanda ngenhliziyo yami yonke!


My adorable footballers



Go Zim

Nozipho, sweet sweet gal


This is Patience

YES (Youth Education through Sport) Zimbabwe

Hips don't lie
My football club, Tistedal TIF, has been hosting football teams from southern Africa for the past seven years. This year was no exception, and on the same day as I got back from Namibia, my club's friendship team from Zimbabwe arrived in Norway. They spent one week in our community, and the week after, we went with them to Norway Cup, which is a big football tournament here in Norway.
My football club, Tistedal TIF, has been hosting football teams from southern Africa for the past seven years. This year was no exception, and on the same day as I got back from Namibia, my club's friendship team from Zimbabwe arrived in Norway. They spent one week in our community, and the week after, we went with them to Norway Cup, a big football tournament.

To sum it up:

After two weeks in Cape Town, I went to Namibia together with the rest of the SCORE volunteers who are going to stay in Namibia. As mentioned earlier, I got a knee injury during my stay in Cape Town, and therefore I had to go back to Norway for a surgery. But – I'm going back to Namibia as soon as possible. Yeah!!

Irresistible Lena!


Miss you!

The Namibian Gang!

Lena and I in Windhoek

We went to a resturant were we got traditional Namibian food. It was so cosy there!

It took us about twenty hours with bus from Cape Town to Namibia.

Terje, Jonatan, Lena and I together with out host at the resturant where we got served traditional Namibian food.

Sara and Nyasha on our way to Namibia. We had a lot of time to sleep during the twenty hours on the bus

This is how we all learned that penguins do bite!

Sau - the one and only

Our pet, Olga (the crocodile)

Sport and sun and... ah

Yes, Joe

How to understand and use a Norwegian

Tonje, Lena and Anders in front of Table Mountain

Sine, Kape and Nico

We were so lucky to have aaaalmost professional dancers in our group

Mat, SNico, Lusanda and Raviv

Jonatan playing with kids in Mbekweni

Laila and I in front of Table Mountain in Cape Town

Pontac Manor

Robben Irland

Wine tasting at Simonsvlei

We started a band baby, we started a band

Carina, Myriam and Madeleine


Myriam from Canada and Thomas from Holland

We all got addicted to this game (Tejre). It should come with a warning